Cheryl Elphick
Sweet as Pavlova
A Little Girls Dream and Big Girls Too
Pavlova is 25 cm in height & 37 cm in length the cost of her Step by Step Pattern/Manual is
$20.00 AUD...... Which includes 23 pages of instructions & techniques, over 30 diagrams
4 pages of pattern templates, 3 colour photo's and her peacock feather feelers.
Detailed instructions for Wiring the armiture, Painting, Draping the body suit, Needle Sculpting, Wing technique,
Wefting the Hair & many more tips are included.
Saskia the Feral Faerie
(at present is only available in Kit form)
Saskia's Kit is $50.00 plus postage
Kit Contains: Muslin for head, Calico for legs,arms & ears, Vinyl for boots, Fur fabric
for hat & boot cuffs, Scalf, Metal sheeting for bracelets, Tape for limbs,
Three brooch pins, Feathers for feelers, Beads & wire for earings, Organza for eyelashes
and Chenille stems.
(Fur & fabric my vary according to availability)
Saskia the Feral Faerie - Drape Me is a Step by Step Pattern/Manual containing 20 pages
of instructions plus requirements list & 33 diagrams, 2 pages of pattern templates & 2 photo's
She is a Drape - ME - Doll to be worn on your shoulder bag for Dolly Days or just to drape.
For more information on these items contact
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